There is a lot to process and learn in this Acting Business. Experts say that show business is 20% talent and 80% business! One of the best tools you can equip yourself with as a professional actor is to learn the ins and outs of the business. There is no one-track way to get to the top, but what if that isn't what you're striving for? What if this passion growing inside of you is here to be seen and heard for this chapter in your life?
It's important to stay connected to your community. Our Michigan roots have a long diverse history in the arts. Did you know there was a time, in the early 20th century, where Detroit had more live theatre's than NYC and Chicago combined? In fact, Detroit was the little Hollywood before Hollywood was the mega center it is today. Back in the roaring 1920's, Detroit held more movie premieres than Hollywoodland.
That energy is still alive today -- bring back the film incentives!! From my accumulated years working as a professional actress since the 1990's and my extensive experience teaching and capturing headshots the past 16 years, I compiled a list of the highest caliber resources to help you as you build your acting resume and gain professional experience.
And don't just keep this to yourself, these resources are here for you to share with you colleagues and actor friends. Let me know if these have been helpful for you!